Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Beginning (Entry 3)

     First and foremost, happy new year! Today is the beginning of another chapter of our lives. Hopefully this year will be the best yet. I don't have any definitive or concrete resolutions. My only resolution is to be better than I was yesterday, all year. So every day this year, I'm going to become better at at least one thing. If I succeed in this endeavor, I should be one hell of a person by the end of 2014. Time will tell I suppose. The only other real goals I have for this year are pretty ambitious. I want to get a perfect score in one section of my ACT and I want to be a weight lifting state champion in the state of Florida. That would put me in the top 1% of my peers in academics and athletics. I would truly take pride in fulfilling either, but both would make this year incredible. 2014 is a new year, a clean slate. This is a chance to do something special with my life. I've been talking big for a while, and now it's time to back it up. 

     I really don't like when people talk big about everything they are going to differently this year and end up never delivering. It just makes you look like an asshole when you proclaim all of the amazing things you are going to, then you don't follow through with any of them. You can't build a name on something you plan to do. So please, don't be that type of person this year. Either do what you said you were going to do, or keep your mouth shut.

     I've got something to prove to myself in 2014. I will not settle for anything but my very best this year. Everyone always says that this year will be different, but few are serious about it. I look forward to the ball drop in 364 days where I will be able to say I accomplished everything I said I would in 2014. So here's to whatever it takes. 

     I'd love to hear from anyone who read this far. Feel free to contact me with any questions and/or feedback of any kind. I'm easy to reach.

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